Julie-Anne Mullan
2 min readJun 8, 2021


“Role of Grandmother” is an emerging and recurring theme for me these days and it’s playing out via family, friend and client sources. There’s so much we want for our grandchildren and that’s okay in the human community. Nice thought to want a better start, great birth, and wonderful life for generations of the future. Great that we do what we can to make the best happen — on condition that we undertake not to be disappointed (I speak as though to myself here ) if things turn out differently.

What if we, the professionals who meet with expectant mums, listen out for the possibility that it is the grandmother who needs support to resolve her unresolved tears and fears, in preparation for this incoming child.

That said, it’s super of us to work with a mum in advance of her baby’s birth supporting her intention to have the best birth possible and be able to respond to the unexpected(!) if it happens. And, also, on hearing a cry for help from the grandmother, regarding her birth(s), encourage her to seek birth healing which takes many forms such as Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Emotion Code, and other sensory healing modalities.

Common themes that arise relate to conception context, social pressures, relationship with the dad as also tales of pressure to give baby up for adoption; heart pain that never goes away but that can be addressed very effectively even decades later. PS some of you will remember the Troubles….they, the children who lived through them are the grandparents of today, and if still affected, deserve peace. Do this, and in time to come, those affected by the covid restrictions of last 16 months will more easily be recognised as holding on to memories of loss, whatever they may be.



Julie-Anne Mullan

Mother of Two Women whose gift is they inspire, educate and love her unconditionally. Grandmother to four special souls who have chosen us - their tribe.